Smart Cities for Health
Using crowd-sourced “big data” to tackle noise pollution in a rapidly growing city
August 16, 2018
Andy Hong, PhD
Lead Urban Health Scientist
George Institute for Global Health
University of Oxford
A little bit about me
- Lead Urban Health Scientist at the University of Oxford
- Co-founder of Healthy Cities Network
- Studied informatics, urban planning, and public health
- More info @
Today's Agenda
- Smart cities and Internet of Things
- Open data, open government
- Application of open data: Noise 311
- Implications and way forward
What is a smart city?
U-city vs. Smart City
U-City |
Smart City |
- Infrastructure (supply)
- Public sector
- Government-driven
- Data focus (demand)
- Public-Private
- Open governance
- Wired connection
- Centralized system and server-based
- Proprietary software and hardware
- Wireless and 5G
- Distributed system and web-based
- Open source software and hardware
Data is the fuel for smart cities
Real-time sensors = Big data
Example: City Sensor
Smart cities = smart citizens
- Citizens are enablers: government provides a platform, people do the rest
- Citizens are scientists: open source software & hardware
- Citizens are data generators: crowdsourcing
- Citizens are service providers: sharing economy
- Citizens are data users: open data platform
Open data, open government
- Open data movement
- Smart cities, smart government
- More than 200 US cities/counties have open data
- Big cities leading the open data movement
NYC open data
Vancouver open data
3. Application of Open data
Construction noise
Sources of urban noise
Vancouver 311 call center
- Garbage disposal
- Road maintanenance
- Graffiti removal
- Noise complaints
- ...
Construction and noise
Heatmap of construction
Heatmap of noise complaints
Statistical approach
Noise by-laws in Vancouver
Squeaky Wheels?
Policy Implications
- Gap between policy and reality
- Noise by-laws, not a good deterrent
Policy Implications
- Potential of crowd-sourced data
- Potential of big data platform
Multi-city noise sensing
Potential Collaboration
- Pollution-free, stress-free city study
- Comparative study of Seoul and London
- Air/noise/water pollution and health
- Between-floor noise (층간소음) study
- Healthy cities conference in Korea?
Citizen complaints data
More detailed data from NYC